
Monday, January 17, 2011

Step One: The Budget

Step One is really "study the hell out of camper van conversions so you know exactly what to include in your budget" but that would've been a ridiculously long title, and I didn't have a nice spreadsheet to go with that step, so I didn't post it.

I've allowed myself $5,000 for this project. No, I don't ACTUALLY have the money yet, but I will. In like six months :) Anyways. I had no clue whether or not it could actually be done for this little, so I made a handy dandy spreadsheet with everything I could think of that I would need. Then I spent the morning scouring and eBay looking for and pricing everything. This is what I came up with:

My lease is up in April and there is no way I'll be ready by then. So I guess that means I'll have to sign another lease :( I'm giving myself 6-7 months to save up the cash, then plenty of time to find the right van and then PLENTY PLENTY of time to actually do the conversion. The conversion will be a bit difficult because

A: I don't own any power tools
B: I wouldn't know what to do with the power tools if I did own them
C: I know absolutely nothing about wiring, let alone how to wire a solar panel to a battery bank and make it charge things.

My hope is that one of my more handy family members will be willing to help me out, or that I find some friends locally who know their way around a table saw and lots of wires. Any volunteers?


James Harkness said...

So it's november...what has happened? I'm guessing you didn;t follow through and are not living in a van. I live in atlanta as well and am planning to move into a box truck summer 2012. I'm hoping I follow through.

Ninja Spy said...

Well, My mom about had a heart attack when she found out about my plan. So....she kinda crushed it all. I've moved on to saving cash for a tumbleweed trailer :) GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR BOX VAN!

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